Monday, December 7, 2015

Blog kick off - 1 week til BCS

I have been wanting to do this for a long time... starting a blog that is.  There isn't a clear goal in mind with this blog but rather it is an outlet for me to share my training, log my training, and share knowledge and information gained that might be useful to other people.   I find other athletes blogs inspiring and informative, or even fun and entertaining.  Maybe it will be some, all, or none of those things... but its my page to do what I want with.  

Well here I go! 

I am writing this on the Monday before the Brian College Station Marathon on Dec. 13.  I have been planning on this race for the last 3 months.  Training was so so early on in those 3 months but the last month being very good quality.  This is going to be the first road marathon I have focused on since my first Marathon at Detroit in 2011.  My goal is to run around 3:15, and enjoy the day.   I am not going to lie... I have a good bit of anxiety about this because my Marathon PR is a 3:52 on the trail. As long as I can stay in control and focus on these things during the race I should have a good day out there.  

Keeping a positive mindset and smiling 

Not letting my pace get faster than 7:15-20 at any point

Taking water and gels regularly.  Gel after first 45, then every 30 afterwards.  As always, I will be using Vfuel gels.

Focus on breathing and efficiency

Eating well and resting the week leading up

By nature of my jobs, I am constantly on my feet.  This is not a bad thing.  I am fortunate to work in a very healthy and ancestral way that allows me to move around and spend a lot being active.  The tough part is that after a busy week, like this one, my legs can get extremely heavy by the weekend and I do not want heavy legs on race day.  I am going to try to mitigate that as much as I can by propping my feet up at home, wearing compression, napping, and sitting intermittently at my gigs.  

I'll try to post again as I get a couple days out from the race. 


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